256 Quirksome Squares


Hello!I am Md.Mahmudul Hasan.I am a researcher and competitive programmer.My interests are centered around programming, problem solving, research, gaming and movies.I am passionate,dedicated and hard working. Root: 256 - Quirksome Squares Time limit: 3.000 seconds. Uva: 356 - Square Pegs And Round Holes; uva: 355 - The Bases Are Loaded; uva: 353 - Pesky Palindromes; uva: 352 - The Seasonal War; uva: 350 - Pseudo-Random Numbers; uva: 348 - Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence; uva: 343 - What Base Is This? Uva: 341 - Non-Stop Travel; uva: 336 - A Node Too Far; uva: 315 - Network; uva: 305. // UVa 256 - Quirksome Squares #include #include #include using namespace std; #define datatype unsigned lo. 題目來源: UVa 256 題目連結: 輸入n,並顯示n.

256 Quirksome Squares

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256 - Quirksome Squares

This problem can be done easily by first generating the first 10000 squares and so and evaluating the condition (a + b) ^ 2 ab. The tricky part may be finding the values a and b. I originally was looking for some kind of string manipulation solution, but i realized that given the number of digits, using modulo division and division, we can determine the left and right numbers. The left side of a 8 digit number is given by 12345678 / 10 ^ (8 / 2) and the right side is given by 12345678 % (8 / 2). The same is true of 6, 4, and 2 digits by changing the value of the power to # digits / 2. Given this, the problem devolves to checking whether the left and right half summed and squared equals the square in question. The other tricky part was outputting the leading zeroes. The method I used was cin with a preset width and fill with ‘0’.