Counter-strike Source Addons

CSS (Counter Strike Source) Textures Download to fix any missing GMOD Textures and Errors. Enter the 'Garry's Mod' folder, than open the 'Addons' Folder. In this example I was making an 'Counter Strike: Source' Content Addon. This is useful when you have Garrysmod on an different account or simply don't own the content game. For example you could just have your friend who owns the game help you out obtaining these files. Counter-Strike: Source - Balanced Weapons Mod - 26th August 2014 Mod Posted over 6 years ago; 17 downloads; This mod's idea is to balance Counter-Strike: Source's weapons without changing the weapons' behavior too much. The changes make gameplay more interesting as all weapons become worth using. This is a new release for newest CS Source. Counter-Strike: Source blends Counter-Strike's award-winning teamplay action with the advanced technology of Source technology. Featuring state of the art graphics, all new sounds, and introducing physics, Counter-Strike: Source is a must-have for every action gamer. Game updates since mid 2010 are done by Hidden Path Entertainment. CSS:RPG Mod is a server plugin for Counter-Strike: Source. It's based off the UT2K4RPG Mod. All player data is saved into a SQLite Database. CSS:RPG is open source so that it can be ported to other Half-Life 2 mods or for learning HL2 plugin coding.
Counter Strike Source Addon Gmod
Login • Register | My resetscore! Version: 1.2 Updated:2016-01-09 13:01:37 Downloads: 2039 A Nice Match to play 5 vs 5 Version: 2.3 Updated:2015-12-08 07:20:03 Downloads: 1679 LOL:C Version: 1.2 +ES Updated:2015-03-19 10:13:40 Downloads: 1829 Coded Version: By Nicolas Updated:2015-03-18 00:01:38 Downloads: 1911 Author : Exploit-Configs Version: v2.1 Updated:2014-12-14 20:13:15 Downloads: 1461 haddz ' 97 Version: 1.1 Faltan Cosas Updated:2014-12-09 14:21:07 Downloads: 2725 Double Domination is an Unreal Tournament game mode where the main objective is to capture 2 points and hold them for a specific amount of time. The mode can be played on every map, features announcers (4 UT announcers included) and custom HUD info. Version: 1.0 Updated:2014-10-30 01:20:37 Downloads: 2050 Simple adverts/rules for your server. Easy to configurate and comes with different colors. You can also add your own colors. Version: 1.0 Updated:2014-10-21 08:15:23 Downloads: 3984 Zombie Harde Version: FUN Updated:2014-10-17 22:22:52 Downloads: 2002 Assassination is an old Counter-Strike gamemode where the main objective is to escort the 'VIP' to the escape zone. Terrorists have to prevent this by assassinating the VIP. Works on every map! Version: 1.1 Updated:2016-01-25 13:07:10 Downloads: 3637 Hitmarkers + Hitsounds similar to Quake 3 / CoD. You can use different files to distinguish between normal hits and headshots (built-in hitmarkers are white for normal hits and red for headshots). Every player can set their own preferences and save them. Version: 1.0 Updated:2014-09-26 11:19:30 Downloads: 2950 Tracks how long any map on your server has been played and how often. Version: 1.0 Updated:2014-04-06 12:32:58 Downloads: 3065 Advertise on player disconnect. Version: 1.0 Updated:2014-03-18 11:16:08 Downloads: 3287 This is my server model that I use for LAN gaming and TESTING. ENJOY!!! Version: x Updated:2014-02-21 17:35:41 Downloads: 5356 This addon gives players the ability to throw their knifes a specific amount of time. Damage done by the knife, sound, rotation of the blade, its color and other settings can easily be configured. Version: 1.2 Updated:2014-01-25 19:18:12 Downloads: 4173 This addon gives players the ability to give a feedback on the server (or maps/admins/etc.). The messages are then stored in a text file on your server (with player, steamid and the time sent) Version: 1.0 Updated:2014-01-02 00:32:58 Downloads: 2125 This addon shows the damage done to a player and (if enabled) their name in one or more of the 4 specified areas. Version: 1.1 Updated:2014-02-05 13:48:26 Downloads: 3221 This addon lets you display adverts in the top-left area. Choose a seperate color for each advert out of a big color palette. Adverts can even be added through the console as well as deleted. Version: 1.0 Updated:2013-12-29 21:09:18 Downloads: 1669 This addon drops a healthkit whenever a player dies at the death location. By touching it the healthkit disappears and gives this player a specified amount of health. Version: 1.2 Updated:2013-12-30 19:25:20 Downloads: 6370 This addon lets any player join to spectators through one of the chosen chat commands. If specified the spectator will not be able to join back until the specified time has passed. This remaining time can be displayed in different areas. Version: 1.0 Updated:2013-12-23 19:42:28 Downloads: 2703 |
Counter Strike Source Mod Pack
Login • Register | Classic RPG mod in Python with 18 skills! All fully customizable from the server console! EventScript's alternative to CSS:RPG. Version: 2.1.063 Updated:2010-08-07 13:39:58 Downloads: 83205 A leveling mod for Counter Strike Source Version: 4.0.96 RC1 Updated:2007-08-26 19:22:40 Downloads: 122002 Store all your bans in a mysql database on your webserver. Comes with a complete standalone web front end. Version: v3.4.1 r154 Updated:2011-05-15 14:49:44 Downloads: 46336 A leveling mod for Counter-Strike: Source Version: 5.0.586 Updated:2010-06-21 10:12:04 Downloads: 82187 Resolves IP addresses to name of the originating country. Requires only ES 2.0+ Version: 3 Updated:2010-12-02 21:46:46 Downloads: 50642 Nouvelle version du célèbre script d'admin [French/English] Version: 5.5 Updated:2009-04-18 10:35:06 Downloads: 79889 Это просто русский перевод супер админки Version: 1.6.2 unfixed Updated:2010-11-21 13:19:09 Downloads: 2732 AddMap allows you to easily download maps from the net onto your server, in-game. Version: 1.0 Updated:2008-11-21 21:04:53 Downloads: 7940 Anti-cheat permettant de punir l'utilisation de certains types de cheats. Version: 1.2 Updated:2009-04-28 06:07:58 Downloads: 36594 Allows easy creation of custom events. Requires only ES Version: 4 Updated:2008-08-25 21:43:40 Downloads: 14238 Server controll for hosties servers, including last requests, anti non rebel kill, rebel announce and more! Version: who cares Updated:2012-03-29 13:32:17 Downloads: 108161 A very popular leveling mod for Counter Strike:Source. Version: 3.4.81 Updated:2007-07-22 23:16:29 Downloads: 47194 Annonce, en direct, les dommages causés. Version: 2.5 Updated:2010-04-16 19:51:49 Downloads: 32753 Classic, Fully Customizable, WarCraft:Source Mod. Rewritten in python for speed and functionality. Version: 0.8.7a Updated:2008-10-04 09:27:51 Downloads: 59220 BulletTime in CS! With tons of triggers to activate BulletTime on, many admin options, indepth help system, this is a must have mod for any fun server! *Updated 8/5/07* Version: v3.0b Updated:2007-08-16 16:38:17 Downloads: 37933 Lets admins make disco on map point (lasers, colored fog, songs, spinning disco ball) Version: 3.0.1b Updated:2010-02-14 22:30:16 Downloads: 40079 A re-write of the origional bank by I don't know who with lots more features! (5+) Version: 2.0.6d Updated:2010-05-04 21:04:46 Downloads: 92170 Led by: Warren Collaborators: XE_ManUpmonday101satoon101 GunGame5.1: A leveling mod for Counter-Strike: Source Version: 5.1.630 Updated:2012-04-01 18:17:03 Downloads: 117099 originally by P3N Version: 5.1.0 Updated:2010-02-28 13:31:19 Downloads: 53452 This is an ES_Tools functionality replacement addon for Counter-Strike:Source (OrangeBox). Version: 0.90c Updated:2014-05-25 02:14:58 Downloads: 73579 |