How To Check Table Statistics In Sap

Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. You can view further information about SAP IMRG Table and the data within it using relevant transactions such as SE11, SE80 or SE16. Also check out the Comments section below to view or add related contributions and example screen shots. You can use the DBMSSTATS package or the ANALYZE statement to gather statistics about the physical storage characteristics of a table, index, or cluster. These statistics are stored in the data dictionary and can be used by the optimizer to choose the most efficient execution plan for SQL statements accessing analyzed objects. Script to find missing or stale statistics. Select m.TABLEOWNER, m.TABLENAME, m.INSERTS, m.UPDATES, m.DELETES, m.TRUNCATED, m.TIMESTAMP as LASTMODIFIED, round ( (m.inserts+m.updates+m.deletes).100/NULLIF (t.numrows,0),2) as ESTPCTMODIFIED, t.numrows as lastknownrowsnumber, t.lastanalyzed From dbatabmodifications m, dbatables t where m.tableowner=t.owner and m.tablename=t.tablename and tableowner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') and ( (m.inserts+m.updates+m.

Finding the SAP Statistics for transactions and programs

When was a program, transaction last used?
How to know which users are using which transaction or executing which program?
Which are the most frequently used programs or transaction?

To know how many users are viewing and maintaining a particular transaction use transaction 'ST03', in3.0x :-

  • Performance database
  • Select instance
  • Select desired period
  • Choose Transaction profile
To find the Frequently Used Programs or Transactions in 4.6x :-
ST03 ---> Detail analysis Button --> Under Global - One recent period then select day or week or month ---> Transaction profile ButtonHow To Check Table Statistics In Sap

In 4.6x, you can also try the new Workload Analysis tcode 'ST03N'.

The SAP standard retention period is 3 months. You can change the Standard Statistics via clicking :-
Goto -> Parameters -> Perfomance Database

To analyze the Statistics by users for transactions and programs use transaction STAT

Sap How To Check Inventory

STAT looks at the STAT file created by each SAP Instance.

It is by default 100 MB. Every hour there is a COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE job RSCOLL00 aggregating this data into MONI table. It will truncate STAT file once the specified limit is reached.

So, you can see details for however many days in this 100 MB using STAT, or ST03 to see the MONI aggregated data.

To change the 100 MB limit, ST03 -> Goto -> Parameters -> Performance Database.

How To Check Table Stats In Sap

If you wish to extract the Statistics by ABAP program, you can refer to this program :-
ABAP retrieve statistical data from the STAT file

How To Check Table Statistics In Sql Server

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