I Doser Calm

  • ( 8:45 PM) Arsenic Wrote: NZT did me well for my exams. As did Confidence. I'm not an anxious dude but damn, finals were brutal. Confidence helped replace my anxious mood with a mood of feeling calm, collected, and grounded.
  • Natural Calm is a magnesium supplement developed by Peter Gillham, and while the company carries several other items, the Natural Calm products represent its primary supplement line 1. The name of the product refers to the calming effects of magnesium, and it is marketed as 'natural stress relief.'

I-Doser Editor's Review

When I-Doser v4 was released in 2007 it revolutionized the way people experienced alternate realities. Now, after 5 years of development, we have released V5 for windows-based computers. A completely revamped and free application, I-Doser can help you achieve a simulated mood or experience through the use of advanced audio sequences. Calm ME was the first meditation I did on the I-dozer series, so I didn't know quite what to expect. It was basically a mid high frequency pitch with some distortion sound in the background. I figured, 'Okay, I'll give it a try.' I felt myself almost sinking into a deep sleep, but still lucidly conscious. In other words, a binaural beat is audio that, when listened to with high quality headphones, changes your brain waves based on which frequencies you listen to. They can make you calm, focused, energized, sleepy, etc. They change the way you think. Ok cool, so what is I-Doser? I-Doser is a brand of binaural beat.

Just when you think you've seen everything that can be done on a computer, along comes something that's utterly unique. I-Doser uses specially crafted audio tracks that are designed to disorient the brain in a variety of manners using binaural beats, which mean that each ear hears sound at a different frequency. The claim is that this alters brainwaves, though scientists are skeptical to say the least.

Some of these effects are simply conceptual such as being alert or calm, or even experiencing the emotions of first love. Others are blatantly labelled as recreating the experience of specific recreational drugs of varying legality.
How realistic these are is tough to objectively assess, particularly given the legal, medical and ethical issues with running a control against the substances themselves. It's certainly true that the demonstration file for alcohol does cause a disorientating effect, though not one that's particularly pleasant. Using earphones greatly enhances the effect, and many users may find the company's smartphone apps more useful than a PC download.
It's important to note that this is a freemium model: the software and demo tracks are free, but other tracks are sold in packages that cost around £11 for three or four effects.
Pro's: A lot safer than experimenting with the genuine substances

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Con's: Scientific value is debatable at best

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Conclusions: A niche novelty product at best, though some may enjoy it. Those with psychological problems or similar concerns may want to take medical advice before using.