Author | Unlock your phone for FREE! (6230, 7610, 7600, e616...) |
Alf Nif Joined: Dec 01, 2003 Posts: 426 From: Sweden PM | Posted: 2004-09-23 17:33
don't know what kind of server they are running but it's a veeeery slow one. |
Krubach Joined: Dec 05, 2002 Posts: > 500 From: Sunny Portugal! :) PM | When do we get this for SE too? [addsig] |
reallysecretfox Joined: Aug 30, 2004 Posts: 34 PM | you can switch to english by clicking on the little english flag at the bottom of the page on the left... hope this helps. RSF |
Lynx69 Joined: Feb 22, 2004 Posts: > 500 From: [ENGLAND] PM | Quote: | On 2004-09-23 17:36:13, Krubach wrote: When do we get this for SE too?
s are more complicated and can only be unlocked using a terminator dongle and special software. >>*Wow 2100+ posts*<<
Sir-SonyEricsson-man Joined: May 30, 2002 Posts: > 500 From: Norway PM, WWW | Posted: 2004-09-23 19:14
Quote: | On 2004-08-18 22:02:51, Twista wrote: okay, cheers EDIT: 1. Stäng av din telefon och tag ut ditt SIM-kort 2. Starta din telefon igen 3. Tryck följande: *#06# på din Nokia telefon 4. Knappa in ditt IMEI-nummer i fältet nedan (15 siffror) and its asking for Box serial.. what is that??? Twista _________________ My friends Nokia blew up in his pocket Wow 1080+ posts.... Need help on MP3 players MP3 Players [ This Message was edited by: Twista on 2004-08-18 21:26 ]
Has someone found out this yet? |
Krubach Joined: Dec 05, 2002 Posts: > 500 From: Sunny Portugal! :) PM | Quote: | On 2004-09-23 18:14:47, Lynx69 wrote:
Quote: | On 2004-09-23 17:36:13, Krubach wrote: When do we get this for SE too?
s are more complicated and can only be unlocked using a terminator dongle and special software.
That's what the is all about. I'm sure it can be done, but it's not public. I don't believe if you ask an operator to unlock your phone that they start plugging in cables...[addsig] |
Leks Joined: Jan 12, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Sweden PM | @ sir man u mean box serial? Is 'serial' only numbers or can it be letters also? It´s only Nokias which needs box serial... _________________ Owner of a z1010. [ This Message was edited by: Leks on 2004-09-23 19:39 ] |
Sir-SonyEricsson-man Joined: May 30, 2002 Posts: > 500 From: Norway PM, WWW | i realy dont know thats why i'm asking Sony Xperia 1 II, Xperia 5, Huawei P30 Pro |
Leks Joined: Jan 12, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Sweden PM | Posted: 2004-09-23 21:00
I have never owned a nokia so I don´t know! |
Fr0z3n Joined: Oct 08, 2004 Posts: 1 PM | Posted: 2004-10-08 13:51
Hi i would like to unblock motoral a835 i realy give up i cant find the code anywere can some one help me plz |
50Cent Joined: Nov 08, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: ...whatever psycho!!! PM | Posted: 2004-10-09 12:51
do you mean unlock (so that u can use phone on all networks) or unblock ( illegal u can get 5 years imprisonment inthe UK ) i too am looking for a subsidy code for my A835, at the moment they are not avaiable free: look at the links kindly posted by Merovingian costs about £20 to get it unlocked. the 2nd link looks promising. good feedback and will refund if the code provided does not work Regards 50 |
sunjivas Joined: Aug 17, 2002 Posts: > 500 From: London, UK PM | yes i saw this site a few days ago, but did not have a clue about the box serial so i carried on using my DCT3 + 4 calculators (lemme kno if ne1 wants those). @sammy_boy: the 6230 is a DCT 4 phone |
djpowelly Joined: Jun 07, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: The UK! PM | How do you unlock the NEC's? |
50Cent Joined: Nov 08, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: ...whatever psycho!!! PM | hows ur swedish????/ Lås upp din 3G telefon! Lås upp NEC C313, C616 , e616, e313! Instruktioner för att låsa upp NEC e616v finner Ni här (läs dock informationen här nedan då den även gäller för e616v modellen och de e616 med uppgraderad mjukvara): Länk till e616v 2004-10-08 Tre erbjuder (vad hört) gratis uppgradering av mjukvarorna i e616 ,e616v och Etreme. När man uppgraderar så får man en mjukvara som upplåsnings instruktionen inte fungerar på. Ett exempel på en mjukvara där det inte fungerar är ACPU:A025.63.11 CCPU:C623.R1Y.Q Dessa instruktioner är en 'temporär omlåsning' av SIM-kortet i telefonen. Instruktionerna är även mycket beroende av vilken mjukvara du har i din 3G telefon. Så funkar det inte i just din telefon så får du leta vidare eller vänta tills annan information bli känd. rekommenderar Er att inte försöka med olika siffror första gången och andra siffror en andra gång, det hjälper inte. Byter Ni sifferkod från den ena gången till den andra är risken mycket större att Ni får SIM-block (spärrar telefonen till ett kort). Detta är igentligen ingen bra upplåsings (omlåsnings) metod och rekommenderas bara om man tvunget vill kunna byta till ett 2G kort. Kända symtomer efter det att man använt denna instruktionen (enligt alla som har testat): När du använder din 3G telefon med ett 2G kort så kommer självklart kanske inte alla funktioner i din telefon att fungera som när du har ett 3G kort i. Det har inkommit information om att man ibland inte kan skicka SMS, MMS eller komma in i sin telefonbok osv. Så saknar du någon funktion så får du gärna meddela oss detta men vi kan tyvärr inte komma med någon lösning på hur man skall få just den funktionen att fungera med ett 2G kort i nuläget. INSTRUKTIONEN: xxxxxxxx = vilka nummer som helst (tex 12345678), siffrorna du anger blir din nya upplåsningskod om du vill byta kort igen. 1. Stoppa I ett 2G kort, typ Comviq, Telia etc 2. Telefonen kommer att visa 'Sätt i rätt Simkort' 3. Slå in följande: #4960*xxxxxxxx# + Skicka (Ingenting av det du skriver in kommer att visas i displayen) 4. *4960*xxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxx# + Skicka 5. Stäng av och starta om igen. Tänk nu på att komma ihåg din kod tills dess att du vill byta kort igen. Skulle Ni glömma koden så har Ni bara 3 försök att hitta rätt kod igen. Trycker man fel mer än 3 gånger får man 'SIM Block' och enligt de tester har gjort så låses telefonen till det SIM-kort man hade från början. Vi har även fått in information om att vissa kan byta mellan 2G och 3G kort utan att behöva trycka in instruktionen igen. Så det kan variera från telefon till telefon. Andra NEC koder som är funna på Internet. Exakt vilka modeller som varje kod fungerar till kan vi inte svara på men de vi har testat fungerar på e616v modellen. Kan dock funka på andra men vi rekommenderar inte att man försöker hur som helst. Vi lägger ut dem här det dem som kanske vet bättre och vi kan tyvärr inte svara på några andra frågor kring dessa koder. *#3210# SP lock *#8140# Corporate lock *#4960# check sim card lock #4960* password # turn off sim card lock *4960* password * password # lock sim card ##4960# lock sim card(can't be activated) *#7320# check network #7320* password # turn off network lock *7320* password * password # lock the network ##7320# lock the network(cant be activated) *73738# reset defaults *#2820# check version *#5830# digits matrix (changes after attempt to enter codes)
Trusted Trader: 50Cent (+6, -0)
Leks Joined: Jan 12, 2003 Posts: > 500 From: Sweden PM | Posted: 2004-10-09 17:32
'Unlock ur 3g phone! Unlock NEC C313, C616, E616, E313! Intsructions for unlocking NEC e616v u will find here (but read the information down as it even is compitable with e616v and e616 with upgraded software): Link to e616v 2004-October-08 3 have (what as been told) free upgrade of the softwares in e616, e616v och Extreme. When u upgrade u´ll get a software that the unlock method don´t works with. A exemple of a software that dont wprk is ACPU:A025.63.11 CCPU:C623.R1Y.Q These instructions is a 'temporary changelock' of the sim-card in the phone. The instructions is also depending of which sofware u have in your 3G phone. So if it dont works in just your phone u´ll have to search at other sites or w8 until other information is known. don´t recommends u to try with different numbers first time and other another time, it wont help. Do u change numbers from 1st to 2nd time the risk is much bigger that u get 'SIM-block' (locks the phone to one card). This is not a good unlock method and recommends only if u must change to a 2G card. Known symptoms after u used the instruction (by all testers): When u use ur 3G phone with a 2G card u will ofcourse not be able to use all functions in ur phone as u can with a 3G card. It has came information about u sometimes can´t send SMS,MMS or get into the phonebook. SO if u miss some function we will be glad if u informed us but we can´t unfrtunatly not help u with getting it woking with a 2G card. THE INSTRUCTION: xxxxxxx = any numbers (for ex. 12345678), the numbers u choose will be your ner unlock code if u want to change card again. 1. Put in a 2G card 2. The phone will show 'Insert sim' 3. Enter #4960*xxxxxxxx# and 'send' (nothing that u write will be shown in the display) 4. *4960*xxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxx# and 'send' 5. Restart the phone. Remember ur code until if u want to change card again. Would u forgot the code u will only have 3 tries to find the right code again. If write wrong 3 times u´ll get 'SIM block' ANd it will be locked to the card u had before. We have also information about some could change between 2G and 3G card witout enter the codes again. So its different from phone to phone. Other NEC codes which is found on the internet. Exactly which models each code works on we cant answer but the codes we have tested works on the e616v model. It may work on other models but we dont recommend u to try. We´ll show them here it they who maybe knows better and we can not answer at any question about this codes. *#3210# SP lock *#8140# Corporate lock *#4960# check sim card lock #4960* password # turn off sim card lock *4960* password * password # lock sim card ##4960# lock sim card(can't be activated) *#7320# check network #7320* password # turn off network lock *7320* password * password # lock the network ##7320# lock the network(cant be activated) *73738# reset defaults *#2820# check version *#5830# digits matrix (changes after attempt to enter codes)' |