Ring King Arcade

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Ring King (US set 1) rom for MAME 0.139u1 (MAME4droid) and play Ring King (US set 1) on your devices windows pc, mac,ios and android! Ring King also known as King of Boxer in other parts of the world is a video game released to the arcade in 1985 and later for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It allowed the player to pick from various fictional characters and duke it out with the computer or a second player in a boxing ring. Arcade Legends 3 with Golden Tee and Installed Game Pack 536 Upgrade. $4,299.00 $3,399.00. Pac-Man Pixel Bash Coin-Op Upright Arcade Game.

Ring King on the Arcade. Published by Wood Place Inc. Developed by Wood Place. Released in 1985. Download game manual. Play Game music. View video of game.

Ring King
Basic Information
Video Game
Data East
NES and Arcade
Retail Features
Play Information
North American Release Date(s)
Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes
Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help
Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings
Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack
Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Ring King, also known as King of Boxer or, oddly enough, Family Boxing in other parts of the world, is a video game by Data East released to the arcade in 1985 and later for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It allowed the player to pick from various fictional characters and duke it out with the computer or a second player in a boxing ring.

Graphical Design Controversy[edit | edit source]

The Ring King game has something of an urban legend attached to it, in that the boxers' cornerman appears to be performing a fellatio maneuver on the fighters between rounds. It is possible they were trying to depict the cornerman dropping the cup into the boxers' tights between rounds, but the graphic limitations of the NES make the scene look questionable.

When the fighters grapple, it appears to be that they're hugging. This is also a case of bad design.

Fellatio aside, the game was praised for its RPG attributes, as each player can choose how to distribute their boxer's abililities, and puglistic realism. Currently the game can be played online.


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Ring King Arcade Game For Sale

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