Young Mother 3 English Sub

This May Sound Crazy

Young mother 3 english sub

Young Mother 3 English Sub


Mother 3 fans lets be patient and wait how ever long it takes for this awsome team to give us a complete translation of mother 3.I have waited years for mother 3 ever since I beat earthbound like in 96 and I know many mother fans in america have waited years for this game too and really want to play it now in the english language but that wont. If your kids ask you where they are coming from, start from the very beginning. Tell them how your friends helped you to look for the woman of your dreams. No matter how long the story develops.

Just kind of poking around the ROM and decided to check out the sound data. It’s all stored together, one thing after the other, so I took it and loaded it up in a sound program and did stuff until it worked. The result was really neat and I thought it’d be cool to share it with everyone else here.

Young mother 3 subtitle english
Crazy MOTHER 3 Sound Clips (5+ MB)

Most of them will sound too fast or too slow because I loaded them all at one sample rate, when in actuality they’re all meant to be played at different specific rates. But it’s still cool to listen to 😛


3:20 and onward totally sounds like one of those sound effect albums, for some reason I’m reminded of the one in Ernest Goes to Camp. But check it out, tis neat stuff. I gotta mess with a sound clip in there anyway to translate it into English, so there’s a chance I might wind up dumping them all correctly anyway. But that’s not high priority so dunno when that’ll happen. Looks like it’ll be much easier than I anticipated, at least 🙂

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  • Kim Song-hoon - Producer
  • YANG Kun-eui - Executive Producer
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  • KIM Dong-myung - VFX Supervisor
  • KONG Ji-young - Producer
  • NO Zin-soo - Script Editor
  • Shin sung hee - DI